Büro für Städtereisen

Beitragsbild: From Reading Cities to Acting in Public

From Reading Cities to Acting in Public

Boris Sieverts im Gespräch with Marcel Meili

Boris Sieverts began his professional engagement with the territorial scale as a tour guide, conducting walking tours along the outskirts of large cities and urban agglomerations. Currently, his expertise in reading urban landscapes is sought after by those in the planning field as well as in participatory practice and activism. Sieverts will show a selection of tours and projects that he has been involved in over the last twenty years. What, or where, are the limits of understanding the urban through pure experience? And why does such understanding imply responsibility?

The event is part of the lecture series „Travellers: On the Ways of Seeing Urban Territories“

5:30 – 7:00 pm

ETH Zürich
ONA Focushalle
Neunbrunnenstrasse 50
8050 Zurich
