am kommenden Dienstag, 10. Dezember um 19h im HdAK gibt es die Gelegenheit, das Programm der Metropolitan Trails Academy (MTA) näher kennen zu lernen:
In der Metropolitan Trails Academy haben sich einige der wichtigsten Akteure der europäischen Stadtwandererszene zusammen getan und, mit Unterstützung der Europäischen Union, ein Programm der Erwachsenenbildung ausgearbeitet, das die Inhalte und Methoden des systematischen Stadtwanderns weitergeben und verbreiten möchte. Dabei werden die vielfältigen Aspekte und Anknüpfungspunkte dieser Arbeitsweise beleuchtet – von der Komposition und Ausschilderung eines Weges über Aspekte der Stadtökologie, der Beteiligungskultur und des Community Building bis hin zu Fragen der Stadt- und Raumplanung und der Verflüssigung ihrer Prozesse im Gehen. Das Format des urbanen Fernwanderwegs wird dabei gleichermaßen als Kunstwerk, Infrastruktur und Planungstool etabliert.
Anmeldungen zu den Wanderungen und Workshops in Athen, Paris, Mailand, Köln und Marseille sind ab sofort möglich. Details zu den Daten und die Links zur Anmeldeplattform können Sie der unten stehenden, englischsprachigen mail entnehmen.
Mit besten Grüßen,
Boris Sieverts
Büro für Städtereisen
Schleiermacherstr. 8
51063 Köln
tel. 01714160572
The main actors involved in the development of Metropolitan Trails in France and Europe have come together to offer the public a unique series of training sessions.
These conferences and workshops are open to all, professionals and amateurs alike:
- You are an architect, landscape designer, urban planner and you want to improve your relationship with fieldwork and other associated disciplines…
- You are a hiker and interested in architecture and urban planning…
- You work in the field of education (adults and/or children) and would like to develop the fieldwork dimension with your students…
- You are in love with your city and would like to set up a metropolitan trail project there…
Two possible formats:
- Walking conferences (free): a group day outdoors in one of the 5 cities to explore one of the 5 lessons
- Professional workshops (for a fee): a day in a small group to go more in depth, to meet with local actors
Lesson 1 • How to map out a trail?
February 6-8, 2020
In the footsteps of Jordi Ballesta, author of the „Attiko Monopati“ trail (Metropolitan Trail of Greater Athens), and Boris Sieverts (a walking artist of the Greater Cologne area), who will share with you their tools, methods and visions of their art of drawing metropolitan trails.
REGISTRATION for the walking conference (+ exhibition)
REGISTRATION for the workshop
Lesson 2 • How to produce a trail?
February 28-29, 2020
On the Greater Paris Metropolitan Trail with Paul-Hervé Lavessière and Baptiste Lanaspèze + the Bureau des Guides du GR2013, two days on the project conception, the partnerships strategy and tips and tricks to make your project last, whether you are an artist, an employee of a local government or a collective.
REGISTRATION for the walking conference
REGISTRATION for the workshop (at the „Institut Paris Région“, to be confirmed)
Lesson 3 • How to tell the story of a metropolis?
March 20-21, 2020
On the „Sentieri Metropolitani“ in Milan with Gianluca Migliavacca (architect), Gianni Biondillo (writer) and Carmelo Vanadia (guide) + the Bureau des Guides du GR2013, we will see how walking a trail leads to the formulation of new metropolitan narratives.
REGISTRATION for the walking conference
REGISTRATION for the workshop
Lesson 4 • How to become a guide?
April 25-26, 2020
In the footsteps of Boris Sieverts, who has been leading urban treks in the industrial outskirts of Cologne since 1997, and Nicolas Mémain, walking artist (urban planning medal for the creation of the GR2013), a unique masterclass between city and gravel pits, groves and motorways, on the how to become a professional metropolitan guide.
REGISTRATION for the walking conference
REGISTRATION for the workshop
Lesson 5 • How to build a community?
May 15-18, 2020
The trail is first and foremost a link between the neighbourhoods, visitors and residents of the city.
How can we ensure that the construction of the trail is an adventure shared by communities? Between the conference and the workshop, students will be invited to a one-day special event around the étang de Berre.
REGISTRATION for the walking conference
REGISTRATION for the workshop
May 14, 2020
This conference will bring together the entire team of the Metropolitan Trails Academy to present to the public the results and perspectives of this outdoors university, which invites us to re-inhabit our cities.
REGISTRATION for the conference
The Metropolitan Trails Academy is a project coordinated by Sentiers Métropolitains/Metropolitan Trails, with PathsOfGreece, Trekking Italia, Urbanegestalt, Mucem and the Bureau des Guides du GR2013.
Associated partners: Bruit du Frigo collective, the French Institute, Counterproductions, Metropolitan Travel, Region SUD Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur, Haus der Architektur Köln, Greenevolution and the Paris Region Institute.
This project is co-financed by the European Union’s Erasmus+ agency as part of an innovation program in adult education.